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99 Results
  • Fave holiday gifts — loco for luchas


    …– a theatrical, acrobatic and campy form of Mexican wrestling. I was a luchador for Halloween, I own masks for spontaneous late-night wrestling with friends, and last year, I saw a live match at the Plaza... The post Fave holiday gifts — loco for luchas appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • Homemade personalized stationery


    What could be more personal than creating custom stationery for a special friend? By choosing specific paper colors, embellishments, and adding their name you are honoring their personality and creating a one-of-a-kind gift. A stationery set can be as simple as a collection of note cards and…

  • Charleston Wedding: Part 1


    I recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with my childhood friend, Sarah, who moved away long ago when we were in elementary school. What an amazing surprise to find that over the years Sarah has become a wonderfully talented crafter and has fallen in love with Paper Source. In April of this year…