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28 Results
  • Gifts for the Hostess with the Mostess

    Pearl Plotkin

    …what you’re going to eat on Wednesday night…(crucial). There’s also the task of getting your Thanksgiving host or hostess a thank you gift. This gift doesn’t have to be expensive or... The post Gifts for the Hostess with the Mostess appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • DIY Moment: Three Easy Ways to Create Beautiful Stationery

    Pearl Plotkin

    …notes. Our DIY expert, Rebecca, came up with three fantastic, easy ways to create some exquisite stationery for a birthday card, love letter, note to a friend or thank you note! Only a... The post DIY Moment: Three Easy Ways to Create Beautiful Stationery appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • DIY Keepsake Box for Mother’s Day

    Pearl Plotkin

    …year we look for meaningful ways to thank our moms for bringing us into this world. One of the most special ways to show gratitude is with a thoughtful, handmade gift. This year, our in-house crafting expert, Rebecca, created a memory box for her mom to thank her. Memory boxes make a lovely gift...…

  • #PSThanksMom

    Pearl Plotkin

    …lives by shining a light on everything we’re grateful for that they’ve done. With our #PSThanksMom campaign, we reflect on why we’re thankful for our moms and the lessons they’ve taught us along the way. Here at... The post #PSThanksMom appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • Give with Love – Holiday Gift Guide!

    Pearl Plotkin

    …if you’re still struggling to find the perfect gifts for your sister, your cousin, your uncle, or your baby nephew, don’t you worry – we have you covered! Check out some of our favorite gifts below to make your holiday shopping as easy as can be. Gifts for... The post Give with…

  • Send with Love!

    Pearl Plotkin

    …here! Can you believe it? This month, we’re all about sending cards with love, wrapping gifts with love, and giving with love each and every day. We want to inspire you all to find thoughtful ways of expressing your seasonal wishes and greetings with the people in your life. Whether you send…

  • Add a Personal Touch to Your Thanksgiving Dinner

    Pearl Plotkin

    Thanksgiving is all about being with the ones you love and celebrating everything you’re grateful for each day. There is no better way to show these moments of gratitude than with simple and thoughtful DIY touches you can add to your Thanksgiving tables. Whether you’re hosting the…

  • 2017-Paper Source Colorscope!

    Pearl Plotkin

    …Identifying your Colorscope is easy – just find your favorite color and check out what your Colorscope reading tells you about yourself. Maybe you even relate to a few! If you haven’t already, click here to check out our new Luxe... The post 2017-Paper Source Colorscope! appeared first…

  • DIY an Award Winning Oscars Party!

    Paper Source

    You don’t have to be in Hollywood to have a glamorous Oscars celebration.  If you’re planning on watching the festivities, why not bring the fun home with an Oscar party of your own?  Make the night a five star event for you and your guests by having them come as the nominees themselves!…

  • Wrap with Love

    Pearl Plotkin

    ‘Tis the time for gift buying and gift wrapping, and who better to give you the ultimate present wrapping tips than Paper Source?! We have everything you need to make a stunning package, from the wrap, to the tape, to the ribbons and bows, to the gift tags and other fun toppers. Check out…

  • Throw a Halloween Party to DIY For


    …start to gear up for some fun parties! Whether you’re prepping favor bags, or thinking of creative ways to add a personal touch to your scary soiree, we’ve got you covered. Here are seven easy DIY tips to... The post Throw a Halloween Party to DIY For appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • 30 Things to Stuff in Your Easter Basket

    Paper Source

    …– and quicker than we all expected. If you are scrambling to find goodies and gifts in time for Easter, fear not! We’ve come up with a list of treats and toys to fill some baskets for the entire family. From kids to crafters, we’ve got you covered.  ... The post 30 Things to…

  • Upcyle Old Paper Into New Spring Treasure

    Rebecca Burick

    As you do your spring cleaning, give new life to papers that are in your recycling bin by turning them into unique storage totes and plant holders. Follow these steps to create chic, upcycled organization for your desktop or coffee table! Laquered Bag What You’ll Need: Heat Tool PVA Glue Glue…

  • Friendsgiving Tips and Tricks

    Pearl Plotkin

    …two make this unofficial holiday one that we most look forward to every year. In honor of this festive holiday, we partnered up with Pinch Provisions to bring you some Friendsgiving survival tips! We will also be having a... The post Friendsgiving Tips and Tricks appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • Holiday Event Inspiration

    Pearl Plotkin

    …about the upcoming holidays. It’s the perfect time of year to throw different types of celebrations with friends and family, and Paper Source has everything you need for all your seasonal soirees. Cookie Exchange... The post Holiday Event Inspiration appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • Get Crafty With Your Halloween Cards


    …making with our large selection of stickers, stamps, washi tape, colorful glitters and paper. Here are four different cards that will surely inspire you to get ghoulishly crafty for All Hallow’s Eve! Trick or Treat Card Tools & Materials: White... The post Get Crafty With Your Halloween…

  • Luxe Grey Card Making

    Rebecca Burick

    …in our newest catalog! The new Luxe Grey paper is the perfect shade for creating stunning and sophisticated stationery, and these tips will have you making your own cards in no time! Butterfly Card: Stamp the Butterfly Stamp along the left side of an A2 Luxe... The post Luxe Grey Card Making…

  • DIY Moment Vol. 17 No. 5: Inspiration Board

    Pearl Plotkin

    …great way to do this is by creating this fun and easy DIY inspiration board! Pin up mantras, to-do’s, favorite quotes, inspirations and other tid bits to keep you motivated, moving forward and focused... The post DIY Moment Vol. 17 No. 5: Inspiration Board appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • Creative Journaling 101

    Paper Source

    …as much as we love crafting, so when we heard about creative journaling, we were immediately on board! It can be intimidating, especially when you see how much detail goes into creating some of these journals, but not to worry, we’re here to give some great tips... The post Creative Journaling…

  • DIY Summer Adventure Folio

    Pearl Plotkin

    What adventures do you have planned in the coming months?  Make a folio complete with journal, postcards and keepsake pockets to capture and share the highlights of summer. This is a great project for all ages but is especially great for kids going off to camp or summer vacation. Materials: 5 A7…

  • Demystifying the Wedding Appointment

    Pearl Plotkin

    We know the wedding process can be somewhat overwhelming. How do you start? There’s the decorations, the invitations, the food, the showers, the pre-events, the post-events! What should be the most exciting time ever can end up being a bit stressful. Well, we’re here to help. We chatted…

  • Birthday Card DIY

    Paper Source

    …of crafting to have a supply of beautiful home-made birthday cards at your disposal. This craft uses the Ephemera Birthday Bash kit, which allows you to mix and match a selection of 40 die cut card stock with copper foil accents. Use... The post Birthday Card DIY appeared first on Paper Source Blog.

  • Valentine’s Day Gift Guide: For Her

    Paper Source

    …year, we build it up to be a day of anxiety. This year, we’ve created the ultimate gift guide for that special someone in your life, so you can focus on celebrating and strengthening your relationship, instead of worrying over a gift! The #GirlBoss There is nothing... The post Valentine’s…

  • DIY Hanukkah Decor with Guest Blogger Love Always, Audrey!

    Pearl Plotkin

    The first night of Hanukkah is December 12th this year, and whether you’re throwing a party with friends and family or simply want to add some celebratory touches to your home, it can be hard to find decorations that are both festive and chic! Our friend Love Always, Audrey put together some…

  • DIY Holiday Treat Bags

    Pearl Plotkin

    Holiday season is the perfect occasion for some old fashioned cookie baking, hot chocolate drinking, and tasty treat gifting. Whether you’re throwing a holiday party or simply want to gift your loved ones some delectable goodies, the package can be just as exciting as what’s inside!…

  • Lined, Sealed, Delivered: Personalize Your Holiday Cards

    Pearl Plotkin

    October is in full swing which means once Halloween has come and gone, the winter holidays will be approaching. We don’t know about you, but thinking about Christmas season gets us oh so excited for cups of hot cocoa, fuzzy socks, gift giving and holiday crafting. One of the most thoughtful…

  • Creative Ways to Address Wedding Invitations

    Paper Source

    You’ve decided on your wedding invitations, finalized your guest list, and now it’s time to address your envelopes and send them out. The envelope is the first point of contact between your guests and your wedding, so make them memorable with unique lettering techniques. There are numerous ways to…

  • DIY Fourth of July Firecracker

    Paper Source

    Light up your Independence Day party with these fun, safe, and patriotic firecrackers! This craft is perfect for those looking to decorate with some red, white and blue colors. Craft during the day, and light them up at night for your Fourth of July celebrations!   What You’ll Need:…

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