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7 Results
  • 5 Ways to Celebrate National Letter Writing Month

    Paper Source

    An important month to us indeed, April is National Letter Writing Month! We’re all about sending snail mail and taking the time to write thoughtful notes (on beautiful stationery). In a world where technology is so prominent, it’s important to remember how meaningful a letter can be…

  • Meet the Maker Series: Jordan of Packed Party!

    Pearl Plotkin

    Our Meet the Maker this month is Jordan Jones of Packed Party. This exciting company has made its way into Paper Source stores, and we are thrilled to carry some exclusive Packed Party llama pouches, duffel bags and disco tumblers! We chatted with the founder, Jordan, about how she started the…

  • Meet the Maker Series: S’well

    Pearl Plotkin

    This month, we’re thrilled to feature the creator of the water bottles we all know and love: S’well. We chatted with Sarah Kauss, founder and CEO of S’well, to find out how she started this incredible company, what inspires her, and what she sees for the future of the brand. How…

  • Send with Love!

    Pearl Plotkin

    December is here! Can you believe it? This month, we’re all about sending cards with love, wrapping gifts with love, and giving with love each and every day. We want to inspire you all to find thoughtful ways of expressing your seasonal wishes and greetings with the people in your life.…

  • Our 10 Favorite Back to School Items!

    Pearl Plotkin

    August is always a bittersweet month. The warm days are still here, but that feeling of going back to school is slowly approaching. Luckily, there’s the exciting activity of finding all of your school supplies and organizational items to start the year off right. We rounded up 10 of our…

  • Meet the Maker Series: ban.do

    Pearl Plotkin

    This month, we’re turning the spotlight on the founder of the extravagantly colorful, vibrant brand, ban.do. We chatted with Jen Gotch, the founder and Chief Creative Officer, to learn about their drool-worthy planner collection, and what inspires their team. Tell us a little about the four…

  • DIY Summer Adventure Folio

    Pearl Plotkin

    What adventures do you have planned in the coming months?  Make a folio complete with journal, postcards and keepsake pockets to capture and share the highlights of summer. This is a great project for all ages but is especially great for kids going off to camp or summer vacation. Materials: 5 A7…

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